
Joshua Ellis Wagnerjosh3

Where to begin on Grandchildren is when Don ask Harry for Sue’s hand in marriage, Harry said,”When will you give us grandchildren?” It was five years before they gave us the news of the first grandchild. We were all excited. In due time I went to Bartlesville to be with Sue when the baby came. He was a little late, but we took him anyway. She named him Joshua Ellis Wagner. He was very small and thin. Uncle Larry even came to see him from Denver. Our first grandchild is always special. He grew up and we are very proud of what he has become. There were moments when we wondered if he would ever grow up and quit buying cars to fix up and sell. He had the girls all around him and many friends. He has grown up now, is about out of college and married to a wonderful girl named Miranda. So our family number grew this year of 2000.

Julia Suzanne Wagner


Our second grandchild was so special because we had hoped for a girl, but Sue was sure she was having another boy. The nurse would not tell me what she had as Sue wanted the pleasure of telling me our little Julia Suzanne was here. She was so precious and sweet. She was a soccer ball player and a good one at that. She grew up with a wonderful personality and had many, many friends. She is also in College now and has Jason waiting for both to graduate and build a life together. We are so proud of her.

Christine Joy Ellis


About a year later Larry and Jill announced they would be giving us a third grandchild in the fall. Again we were thrilled as Larry was older (like 35) and needed to start a family so he wouldn’t be an old man when they were grown. Christy came in November and we went out to see her in three weeks. Jill’s mother was there and her father came as soon as the baby did and surprised her. It was their first grandchild too. So she was special to all of us. She was a sweet and good baby too. We got to see her about two or three times a year. We couldn’t get to Denver quit as quickly as to Bartlesville. We loved her just as much as each child is special in his own way. She is also now in college in Nebraska as a Sophomore.

John Jacob Wagner


The forth grandchild was a surprise as Sue was anticipating some surgery and I had gone up for that and the doctor did the pregnancy test and found out she was 9 days pregnant. So we had our really special baby on the way. God had planned this one for sure. WE know he has something really special for John Jacob as he came tin July of 1983. He was a big baby and handsome even at the beginning. He was a good baby and we loved him very much too. He played lots of sports,but was not too interested in anything but girls when he got to be 15 years old. He was the one who had to leave all his childhood friends and move to Katy last year. It was a very bad time and he suffered quite a bit during the move and trying to adjust to a new school and friends there. But he made it and is doing mu;much better this year. He is working in the afternoons and making his own money.

Jonathan Pruitt Ellis


Our last grandchild came the next year, actually only 9 months later. Jonathan Pruitt was born in Denver the following March and was another big boy. He was named for my father, Fred Pruitt. This made me very proud as my children were so close to my parents. Jonathan has grown to a big six-footer now and towers above everyone else. We are so proud of him and he is doing well in school this year. He will be a Junior at Thomas Jefferson High School and likes the girls very much too. He has lots of friends and entertains a lot. He is working also and earning money.

This is just the tip of the iceberg on describing our grandchildren, but they are all special to us and always will be because they are part of us.